Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Protection from dangers unseen

I just realised this morning how blessed I've been. The Lord has protected me from dangers seen - but especially dangers unseen.
Teaching special needs children has opened my eyes to the difficulties that some people experience in life. These children have 3 strikes against them:
1. They're children - that very state makes them vulnerable
2. many of them come from underprivileged or unstable households - opening the door to all sorts of abuse and neglect
3. They have special needs - so they may lack the mental, emotional tools need to make adaptive choices to protect themselves.

Lord, I thank you so much for protecting me - from dangers unseen. I pray for your children, the ones who may be experiencing sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect, especially those with special needs. Lord, they are your children, you have created them and I pray that You would lay your hand of protection on their lives. I pray that through (in spite of) their circumstances they would come to know you personally. To know that you are healer, a deliverer and a provider.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen