Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Protection from dangers unseen

I just realised this morning how blessed I've been. The Lord has protected me from dangers seen - but especially dangers unseen.
Teaching special needs children has opened my eyes to the difficulties that some people experience in life. These children have 3 strikes against them:
1. They're children - that very state makes them vulnerable
2. many of them come from underprivileged or unstable households - opening the door to all sorts of abuse and neglect
3. They have special needs - so they may lack the mental, emotional tools need to make adaptive choices to protect themselves.

Lord, I thank you so much for protecting me - from dangers unseen. I pray for your children, the ones who may be experiencing sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect, especially those with special needs. Lord, they are your children, you have created them and I pray that You would lay your hand of protection on their lives. I pray that through (in spite of) their circumstances they would come to know you personally. To know that you are healer, a deliverer and a provider.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Seven Pounds

**Spoilers ahead, stop now if you plan to watch the movie**

The other day I watched the movie "Seven Pounds" staring Will Smith. He performed excellently in it. He played the main character who (we find out at the end) had caused a car accident (cell phone) which killed his wife and 8 others who were in a bus. He then decides to donate as much of himself as was humanly (and inhumanly) possible. He donated a lung to his brother, parts of his liver, bone marrow. He planned to donate everything...

But first had had to meet the people who were going to receive the parts of him. He had to make sure that they were good people. He fell in love with the woman he eventually gave his heart to.

It was a depressing movie, because he died at the end - he committed suicide.
But I came away from it encouraged because it made me think of Jesus.
Jesus died that we might live...eternally. He gives us a blood transfusion, a new heart, a new mind, he saves our souls if we accept it.
2Corinthians 5:17 : Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

With some very important differences from Will Smith's character.

1.Christ had done nothing wrong, he was not repaying his sins, rather, he repayed our own. 2Cor 5:21 : For our sake he made him to be sin, who knew no sin; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

2. Christ died so that we could live but he didn't stay dead. He completed the transaction and then came back to life - so we have not lost him.

3. (The best part!) He didn't only die for good people. in fact, He died for the bad. Romans 5:8: But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

He doesn't have to ask anyone about our character, he knows us intimately, He knows that we sinned, and he died for us anyways!

So, I have to give a thumbs up to the movie writers - but I give everything to Christ.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Shout to the Lord

My Jesus, My saviour
Lord there is none like you
All of my days
I want to praise
The wonders of your mighty love

My comfort, My shelter, Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath
all that I am
Never cease to worship you!

Shout to the Lord All the earth let us sing
Power and Majesty, Praise to the King
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of you name

I sing for joy at the work of your hands - forever I'll praise you
Forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.

(can't remember the writer: - great song! I'm signing it in class tomorrow - excited)

Saturday, April 19, 2008


(writen Aug 22, 2006)(and also true today)

This morning I was struck with gratitude. I realised that unbeknownst to me I have been happy for some time now, or rather, I have experienced Joy. I have not worried about how I will eat, or live, what I will wear or how I feel. I have been carried by love. I have been healthy mentally and physically.
I want to say thankyou Lord!

Friday, April 11, 2008

wisdom and strength

*n.b Jul 28/09: On rereading the first draft (Wisdom and strenght)I want to make it clear- that in my weakness He is strong (2 Cor 12:9). And that with man - "this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible" (Mat 19:26). So that, even knowing my weaknesses has not proven to be as much as a strength as I thought, instead - knowing Christ and relying on Him daily has been the real source of strength and wisdom. *

(not sure why this was in the draft box - perhaps a bit wordy and preachy - by still so true!)
started Feb 25/07

Wisdom and strength

Today a friend asked me a difficult question. She asked – when one is in the middle of a difficult situation – how does one get out? what do you do when you’re trapped in the middle of an episode – that could be in addiction to anything – from porn, alcohol; a problem with anger.
My response is the only one that I know – and I recognise that it doesn’t answer the question: perhaps a wiser person than I knows the answer – because surely I don’t. My response is this:
Don’t wait until your in the middle – stop it at the beginning.
It’s easy to stop a parked car – you put your hand out – and there, it’s stopped… but try stopping it when it’s going at 20 miles an hour… try 50 miles, 100 miles – the force it takes to stop it is not just 100 times more – it’s on the scale of thousands. Don’t let it get there.
The way I’ve dealt with not having any willpower – is by not tempting myself. I know I’m weak – and yes, I want to be strong one day – but if I know my weakness I feel that that is my greatest strength. I know that if there are marshmallows in my house I will eat them all. Some of you might argue – well you don’t have to eat them all. you should teach yourself restraint. just have one a day or a couple a week. use them as a reward.
I say – WHY?? why put myself to the test? why tempt myself?? if I know I can’t handle it – then why should I even try to??
My strength is not in going against the thing. my strength is not gained by trying to face my fears. Nor is it in running away from them. My strength is in knowing them. I remember when I first found out about pulleys and later about machines. I still don’t understand the physics of it – the force vs the work of the thing. but I get the principle – with a little bit of work/ strength – I am able to move big things. Things which, by my strength alone I could never move.
With brain power we are able to accomplish greater things than we could ever do with just brawn. If we work smart we can get much farther ahead than the person who works frequently, or even the one who works hard. I once read a book where this video game was virtually unbeatable. you could get better and better at it – and win more battles, and lose less men – but eventually – you would lose – the only way to win was not to play.
I’m not saying that God isn’t capable of winning every battle, even if it means using me as His tool. I think what I have learned from him that my strength is not going to be in strength – but in wisdom – His wisdom. How did David slay Goliath? certainly not through his own strength. God gave him wisdom enough to know how not to fight that battle. He did not try to use Saul’s weapons or armour. He knew what his own weaknesses were – and his strengths – His strength lay in God.
They say knowledge is power – if our wisdom, knowledge and understanding is rooted and grounded in Christ – we are powerful beyond anything we can hope or imagine.
Talibah Robinson

The trick of the Devil.
One of his greatest tools is isolation. Have you ever been stuck in a bad habit? stuck so well that you were afraid of what you would do if you had to stop it? and you’re afraid to ask any one for help – because you feel that you are the only one who goes through it. you feel like you will lose face among your friends, or that they will think badly of you- or be disappointed in you. This is a trick of the devil!
I’m not saying that every single person you talk to will be understanding and non-judgemental. but what I am saying is if you never talk to anyone – it’s unlikely that they will be able to help you out of it. they will not be able to add their prayers to yours unless you ask them to. So don’t let the devil fool you into believing otherwise.
One of the symptoms/ effects of an abusive relationship is isolation. An abusive partner taunts and teases and threatens- they may say:
don’t tell or I’ll beat you up
they may say – no one will believe you if you tell. or worse – no one will talk to you if you tellthey will blame you.
It’s easier to see it from the outside – those are lies! but from the inside it starts to make a lot of sense. you start to believe those lies because you are in a vulnerable place, because you have forgotten what the truth sounds like. But let me tell you the truth. God desires His children to be free – no longer slaves to sin. That’s why He sent His very son.

Don’t let the devil feed you his lies! He will tell you whatever it takes to make you stop looking for help. My prayer is that you take it to the Lord!
Praise God and declare the devil a liar.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My star

it's been so long. years even.
Something i'm struggling with - and have been struggling with for years:- letting go.
"Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past" (Isaiah - - )
How can someone - five years in the past, 300 miles from the present location, be such a big deal? I feel it's kinda like the sun, or some other star - You shone in the past! you're light years away. Why are you still impacting my life??!!! Why are you still my compass point?? My yard-stick against which I measure all other directions. Why do you still shine so brightly in my life?
My star - Distant, remote, flaring in the past - shining brightly in my sky.

how do I let go?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Storm - continued

in an unexpected turn of events the last post has become a foreshadowing of sorts... has hit a little closer to home than I expected....
and as I reel from the news I turn once more to the Psalmist for encouragement...

Psalm 91
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]

2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.

9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the LORD, who is my refuge-

10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation."Footnotes:

Psalm 91:1 Hebrew Shaddai
Psalm 91:2 Or He says

When I read that yesterday morning I had no idea how I would come back to it and cling to it throughout the rest of the day. He seems to send things right on time.
I especially like the first lines
"1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. "

and the image in verse four
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart

and finally, his promise to be with him (us) in trouble (verse 15).

So I wait for Him. and cling to his promises.